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Incubators (and electives) are priced as add-ons. Members can add one to a class for free or purchase a cycle for a low enrollment fee.
Incubators are the hands-on part of the school where we workshop your music together and learn by doing. Typically without a measured curriculum, incubators can be assembled for residents of all experience levels.
Electives where you get support in things like music theory or digital skills
These classes are free when you purchase a curruiculumed class as a resident. Residents may also purchase one for a low enrollment fee. No class fee is assessed to our membership. Please see our pricing page or contact us.
This is where we work! Incubators are designed to supplement classes with the kinds of interactive problem solving that just won't fit in any curriculum. Incubators help you generate songs, mixes, and solve problems. They are also an equalizer in that they are useful forcing factors that are helpful to producers at all experience levels.
The support you didn't know you needed.
Not everyone arrives with the same set of skills...
Getting everyone on the same page helps us energize the dialogue. It betters the collective experience. It makes us stronger.
We don't want a lack of basic skills to impact anyone's journey. That's why we created these short courses to make sure everyone can take part in the discussion and use the same vocabulary. If you don't need these courses, there is no reason to pay for them. But if you do, you'll be lost without them. Have a look below and remember that these classes are FREE with your membership.
* As with all our music production courses, if you book them separately from the rest of your package, you will be subject to an additional enrollment fee of $100 (including members).